i agree...
i agree with killer1234, it's his first flash! i don't have flash so i can't do better!!! but i love the song to the credits....
my very first flash movie. enjoy!
updated 6/21/02 i made it smaller its not 2 mb!! yay!
i agree...
i agree with killer1234, it's his first flash! i don't have flash so i can't do better!!! but i love the song to the credits....
its his frist flash you idiots you don't go disreacpting some one like that.... i know i know the flash was bad but it was HIS FREAKING FIRST FLASH MY FUCKING GOSH
Better yet, dont push the play button.
You replaced freeze man with a crow that shakes his ass at you, how could you!
The stupidity made me laugh. It was an o.k. movie but it really did suck. Spelling errors, text bubbles need work, and it was funny because the characters were talking in 3 language styles: American english, giberish, and Ebonics. Work on your shit and next time don't decrace such a good nintendo character.
Why? Why god, did you let this punk make this?!
What the hell is this?! You have disgraced megaman to the fullest extent.... There were plenty of reasons why no one like this shit....
1) Work on your english skills. Ebonics aren't your style, kid.
2) The preloader.... Aw, jeeze.... I almost died just watching it. Too flashy. Yeah, I said it! It was FLASHY!! FLASHY, FLASHY, FLASHY!!!
I'm sure others can back me up on this, but....
3) YOU SUCK!!!!!
Okay, since this WAS your first flash, I was going pretty easy on ya. Just be thankful I didn't kill the flash myself.