Yes i did cheat i used touchscreen
If you see any problems PLEASE mention them in your Comment
Yes i did cheat i used touchscreen
aMAZEingly difficult.
I'm so sorry. I am so very sorry. Forgive me, please.
Actually, though. This is surprisingly difficult.
hold left click and you wont lose
It's a maze, so make a invisible box covering the whole movie, Select it and press F8, Convert to button, add actions:
on (release) {
Replace anyframe with the frame number which will say "CHEATER" or something else. Like "2".
And Add this code: "stage.showMenu = false;" without quotes to the first frame of your movie.
I am just 7.
If you experience any problems PM me :)
A bit simplistic, but somewhat satistfying.
Well if this was "some what satisfying" you might like v2, check it out its live on my profile.