can anyone tell me WTF to do!!!!???????
Toking Time is a short artistic game about time. There are no objectives. You are left alone with a bong, a lighter and a generous stash. What comes next and how much time you spend is your sole choice.
Even though it's short, it's my first completely finished game. It took way more time than intended to develop. One of the reasons is explicitly present in the game. Now that it is finished, I'm one step closer in the path to self-motivation.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
can anyone tell me WTF to do!!!!???????
best bong game i've ever played
wut do you im confused .....................................
.......................... i guz you can put i nsturctions next time
better ?
only a 7 becuse whean you suck it right the pot could of turned red orange till its ash
would have been cool....
but i couldn't play on my laptop...... no spinning wheel