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omicron is a fast paced action puzzle
this is a flash demo/prototype for the mobile version,
that will be available for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad soon!

visit omicrongame.com for more info
Music by SQU!L http://myspace.com/squilm usic

- omicron is on the AppStore now! ( V 1.2 now available! )
- to harmonize the flash with the iDevice version the leveltime is set to 30s
- mochi leaderboards cleared...

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Perfect for its intent

Given its intended platform, this game has it just right. It's fast, mentally stimulating, and easy to drop in and out. As a Flash game, it's difficult, but I can totally see it rocking a multi-touch interface.

I wouldn't mind seeing just a bit more color differentiation to make responses even more lightning-paced; your palette tends to be rather muted, and I think bold colors could give the game a slightly improved aesthetic (unless you were going for something more muted.) I'll confess I only got through three levels, but I wouldn't mind seeing purples, blacks, or whites that pop right out.

Gameplay is solid, and while I don't know that I'd call it a "puzzle" per se, it's certainly entertaining. I see lots of potential. The 7 is only because it lacks much depth, but given your intent that's not a big deal. Consider an Android port for the rest of us, too!

7/10, 4/5

finefin responds:

- yeah, it's really great on the touchscreen! It's like your autonomic nervous system is connected to the device! :D
- you want more/different colors? Guess what we planned for the expert mode we will add to the game in one of the next updates! ;)
- the "puzzle" issue. we call it an "action puzzle" and hope people will understand what we mean by that. but I'm glad that NG has a "skill" category...
- if enough people demand it, we'll make that Android version!

thanks for the nice review and the encouragement!

could be better

Im wish i knew what this demo left out.

Playing seems to be nothing more then button mashing the mouse because the colors change too fast for mouse movements. I've also noticed that holding the mouse over a block will make it avoid the color you need. Perhaps this will run a lot slower and be playable on the iphone.

finefin responds:

the mobile version will be a well-thought-out version with an improved ruleset.
for example, you will be able to collect bonus time from level to level and bonus points for accuracy. we included open feint for global leaderboards and achievements, too.
And there are so many plans for the future, like a multiplayer mode..

I think it's great on the multitouch screen! it's not exactly slower, but you are faster with your fingers...

Well I know what I will be buying.

As long as its a buck for the Iphone and 2 or 3 for the Ipad im buying this app ! :)

finefin responds:

we plan to make it cheap :)

Well done!

really fun game to play. nicely done dude.

finefin responds:

thank you very much!

Credits & Info

3.82 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2010
6:22 AM EDT