well the game works fine and it really is just snake, the colors were kinda annoying and unnecessary. some originality would've been nice. maybe next time you could put power ups or portals or something
Hey guys, thanks for viewing my game =D If any of you are wondering if this is my own check Kongregate for this game and my other games, I think this is one of my best though =D.
Im not a very experienced Flash Game Maker so my games won't reach the standards of the best games on here but I'm just here to show you guys my games and hope you enjoy them =D
PS: If the game dosen't load correctly please try right clicking and pressing Play, that might just be me though =P
well the game works fine and it really is just snake, the colors were kinda annoying and unnecessary. some originality would've been nice. maybe next time you could put power ups or portals or something
I understand, if I update I will take your review into consideration mate =) Thanks for the Feedback
You should have put less effort in the colors and more effort in the actual GAME part.
It was just a big headache and I'm sorry to say - it wasn't even fun to play.
I understand, if I update I will take your review into consideration mate =) Thanks for the Feedback
this is basiclly snake X_X
no wait - it's just snake :/
well, it was meant to be :P