Is this a horror game?
An artistic endeavor to reach the top of a great mountain... with an awesome grappling hook.
UPDATE: Thanks for the support you guys! It's hard to work for no pay, but realizing you guys feel what I've created has meaning and fun is priceless.
This is my first award ever. I promise the next game will blow your minds!
Is this a horror game?
This is really awesome. Very difficult. But lots of fun. I'm reminded of the Ninja Rope, from the "Worms" franchise. Still lots of fun to be had on an old game in late 2019. When I finish here, I'll have a look at what else you've done. Let me know anything in particular I should look at.
THIS. IS. THE. BEST. GAME. EVER. It's hard, but addicting:D
Thanks! I didn't think people were still playing this one. Maybe I should revisit it.
Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven
I loved this game and the amazing piano piece that was used.
I didn't fall once =D. I did glitch a few times, but nothing major. I think the music fit the game perfectly, and I love how every new obstacle had many ways to get around it. Nice game.