There's still some people playing with Vuvuzela! Aren't you tired of that annoying sound? I am, so here's a game where you can have a little revenge, You are an agent with a gun, and you must shoot at people who are playing Vuvuzelas!
Damn! I hate that sound so much! (Really)
A deep journey that speaks to the loathing of vuvuzelas we all carry with us deep within our very soul. I believe that the errors of this game such as the less than mediocre art, the fact that the bullet-firing sound keeps playing even though your clip is empty, or even the way you can mash spacebar and never get hit to be a way of the author telling us how much he/she actually dislikes vuvuzelas. truly, they didn't want to waste a minute of their time longer than was absolutely necessary on a game where these instruments of the devil took a leading role.
Yeah was pretty okay.
BAD!!! :(
Don't understand it, And I don't like the noise
hate the sound too
thought the game was annoying though but at least a bit funny
i have to be honest it was more annoying than fun ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddd