engaging, fun and entertaining mind games that give you a mental exercise in a fun way.GREAT!
Hello, Newgrounds!
Point-Click Advanced is a sequel to a game I made a long time ago called Point-Click. It's nearly triple the size with over 40 exercises spread out between 14 mini-games. There are high scores and grades for every exercise, and a leaderboard for total high scores. All you need is a mouse and some decent hand-eye coordination.
engaging, fun and entertaining mind games that give you a mental exercise in a fun way.GREAT!
not my kind
not my kind of game entertaining nonetheless didnt keep me interested idea was great and i think it unfair just because i dislike this kind of game i should give u a low score so an 8 will do :]
Simple and Gobs of Game Types
I was surprised at how many game types are available. It's a very simple concept, easy to grasp, and addicting. Getting a 10 from me is near impossible, but an 8 is near stellar.