I really enjoyed this. You should make another version and make it even better!
This is a game I made awhile ago after I played Doodle Jump for the first time.
I made it fairly quick just as a test. I thought I would convert it to flash and put it out there just to see what happens.
Would need some overhauling if I ever decided to make a complete game out of it!
The game Info:
Bob needs to go "UP", you can help him by guiding him onto various platforms. Now Bob will take care of his bouncing but he needs to you move him in the correct horizontal direction
Control Bob by moving your mouse Left\Right
Keep an eye out for any powerups that may be in the clouds and whatever you do ....Don't fall to far off the bottom of the screen!
You will encounter some enemies along the way.....dont hit them! , you can however bounce on their heads to destroy them
The counter in the top right will keep track of your height achieved
Good Luck!
I really enjoyed this. You should make another version and make it even better!
Not as bad, as others say...
This Bouncing Bob must be the previous version of Bouncing Bob2 ...
In my opinion there are some things which you could have brought to BB2 (going backwards 1 or more plates ... this would own on BB2)
Anyway ... i find this version quite a lot more difficult than BB2 (cause less "bonus" and i am not that good at playing action on mouse)
Anyways ... This game is a nice one ... eventhough the idea might be from a different game ... but who cares?? I found tons of clones (like toss the turtle - one of my favourits) and it dont deserves a downrate just because you tried your own way.
Thumb up ! I am waiting for BB3 ;D
Thanx for the input Cuna,
I take everything thing people say into consideration!
BB is the previous version of Bouncing Bob2.
I do plan on making BB3 and maybe even 4,5, lol who knows
Now that I got a half decent engine to work with (as compared to BB1)
Needs work
The sound effects are lacking, Bob's appearance doesn't match the style of everything around him, and there's a glitch where the game won't load any more platforms, which is a real game-breaker. Try updating the background graphics a bit, maybe add some music, and iron out the bugs in this game.
this game doesnt play correctly no lie my first time playing it didnt even load more spaces to jump on
Your right, Sometimes this happens!
Not sure why yet , I must look into it
stolen from doodle jump
than you for your comment.
I did mention that I got the idea after playing Doodle Jump and I wanted to re-create the style (like a clone)