Good try. but i think u need more ifet. come on u can do it
This is my second film. It is crapy just like the first one; hey, i'm just a biggener. Please review.
Good try. but i think u need more ifet. come on u can do it
piece of shit
Peaple im warning u do not wast your time whaching this movie.
theres a circle and anther circle and thay just bounce around thers no sound ither so just give it a 0 and get on with your mening less life
How the hell could that have gotten through?!
Wow, that sucked! How the hell could that get through the jobment.
this is one of your first?
Hmm seems you need just a lil advice (heck im new to flash too) try to use tween whenever you can, smooth some lines, and add some silly sound =3 you keep at it, and tell me if im wrong, but can you post up your firsts animations?cuz i was sure you couldnt put certain stuff. Keep at it!
good advice below
ok dude i know ur a begenir so im givin u advice. u need sound thats a good thing to have. it was alright graphics but u need better pics and last thign 4 this film is that u shouldnt use eggs. lol use stick ppl or sometin. and it will be kinda original because the stick ppl wont be fighting 4 once. well thats it
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