Fun Simulation But Limited Growth
I played through the game twice and it was fun but there were several frustrating aspects that limited the appeal of the game. I have listed some to hopefully help you improve your future submissions.
1. Customization: There were some nice options but it would have been great to have more than just one male and one female character to choose from.
2. Summary of Day: My biggest problem with the game was that after each day a summary of which customers who purchase each shirt and who did not buy a shirt due to price was not listed. This made it difficult to fine-tune pricing.
3. Bad Random: On days when it said that it would be warm I would randomly have much more demand for hoodies than T-Shirts. Another example is how my advertising had minimal impact.
4. Introduce "Good" Random: I liked the random price fluctuations and I think you could introduce more of that.
5. Make it easier to get the larger stores earlier: Even playing the game well I could barely open up the second store type before the 30 days was over
6. "Casual Mode": Let players go beyond 30 days if they wish without being able to submit a high score.
Overall this was a great, well-polished simulation that showed significant effort. I think that you can build from this platform and make even better games!