Damn this is old. The comment below was posted the day I was born.
Music Video to an old Tom Green song
Damn this is old. The comment below was posted the day I was born.
It was okay I guess
okay song.......
seen worse
great song, nice rookie movie but it got boring when you got to the drew barriemore pic.
this is what i typed before i watched the music video: i feel so sorry for you i was crying after i watched your video, here's my screennmame: ________, i use aol. i've been dumped lots of times and i feel horrible, i'm so sorry. my ex-was really nice and she went out with 3 other bastards i am so... so... so, sorry, i don't have the exact same past but i can tell you about my story to if you want, maybe we can talk on buddyschat or some shit, give me your screenname bill. great video, this is what i think after wathing it: what the hell is wrong with you, i'm never rating another one of your games, i blocked out my screennmae thinking about how offensive, mean that was, you might think i sound like a dickhead writing this but i feel alot of pain when i'm put down or when i lose a girl, i can't belive tom green was in that music video