Another "learn by tedious failure" TD.
Pick a number between 1 and 4.
Got your number? Good. Write it down. Now pick another one. In fact, keep picking numbers between 1 and 4 until you have a long list of numbers. I'm not going to tell you in advance how many numbers you need to pick, but just pick about 20 or so for right now.
If your first number was a 1, you lose. Start over. Read this review again, starting at the top.
Good job if you made it this far into the review. I'm afraid you're going to have to keep waiting for me to get around to telling you whether you got it wrong or not. I'm just gonna sit here and waste your time. There's a button you can supposedly click to tell me cut the crap and finish this review faster, but clicking it doesn't seem to do anything.
If your second number was a 2, you lose.
Notice how you have no idea, when you first pick your list of numbers, what's going to cause one number to be right or wrong. Notice how you have to play the entire game just to discover whether or not your previous choices have locked you into a fail state or not. Notice how long and tedious this review has become. It's not very fun, is it?
If your third number was anything but a 3, you lose.
If I were going to try and convince people that this review is worth reading, I might claim that it has "suspense" and "keeps you guessing" what the correct sequence of numbers is "right up until the very end!" I might claim that it's a review you will re-read time and time again.
If your fourth number was not a 1, you lose.
In fact, one of the first two numbers should probably be a 1, too.
Sorry I didn't mention that sooner.
Of course, most people would probably not call this review fun. If you did find this review fun, then you will probably enjoy Claytus Hood TowerDefense, as it uses the same pacing, risk schedules, and feedback mechanisms, as this review. It also respects your time and intelligence just as much.
The fifth number should probably not be a 1. But you won't really know more until I review Claytus Hood TowerDefense 2. Until then, enjoy blindly picking numbers and wondering if you're going to lose or not.