Yep, This is 2002 alright lmfao.
I made this a good 3 years ago but have never had the connection to upload this almost 4 MB monstrosity. But i trimmed it down a bit and the sprite ripping, i think, is pretty good.
My greatest accomplishment though, is that i made this with a pentium 1 at 100 mhz. I know, i'm a genius. Enjoy!
Yep, This is 2002 alright lmfao.
how the heck is this sutible for all ages they have sex wtf
haha nice
it made me giggle, it deserves a 10 :P
And the moster sword, sleeps again.
LOL, Good job on the movie :P
I give it a 8
Nicely Done
I agree with PedestrianWolf, you did a great job. Though i happened to notice yo never actually bothered to hide the moving pedestal(oh yes i noticed it) other than that minor slip up everything seems great. Zelda even has legs in this one!!!