Nice attempt
Nice attempt on your first game :).
It gets a little boring just by jumping and running.
More stuff can be added in :)
I wanted to show you my first complete game a really simple jump and dodge object, no you can't slide because I haven't added the obstacle or the option too.
**CHECK THE OPTION FIRST** Personaly I would and always do it before the game starts.
It's not a game made by a professionnal but just by a student that was new to flash and still is, i will probably upgrade the game and get more knowledge because i'm taking programming next year.
there's no music because i don't know how to sorry everyone.
there's no jump movement, the colision is bad I admit it I will probably work on a new version this summer so I would need help from generous people (lol).My flash career has just begun( not a real career).
Nice attempt
Nice attempt on your first game :).
It gets a little boring just by jumping and running.
More stuff can be added in :)
Great Potential
This game has a lot of potential, when you get the knowledge to improve it in a lot of ways, it would make a great game. As it is, it's rather good for a first full game.
ThankYou, it really motivates me. I will start everything from scratch because I haven't got much time to make it
GOD, talk about a massive hitbox.
Bad collision detection
Wow is all i can say man, just wow. I go to jump and i smack into the air. Fix it.
Also, Simple thing to do.
add an event listener that listens for the user to push the up key and then goto and play the animation of him jumping. You can tell if hes hit the ground by adding a global varialbe isFalling and then set it so that whever the Y value is positve it sets it to true. Whenever the Y value is negitive, it sets it to false. then put a little if statement in there that states that if isFalling is true and Ymovment (variable that you should have named)= 0 then goToAndPlay(run animation).
These steps will increase the asthetics of your game as well as gameplayability. Fix then resubmit.
Also, Perhaps later on add something that is in the air, or have it so that he can jump up to a second level like a Scaffolding or something like that.
First two are must do's the last one is a suggestion.
about the collision detection, I only had one "death" animation and yes I will resubmit it but I will do it from scratch literally thnx for this advice
Surprisingly good
Personally, I thought this game was going to suck, I looked at the file size and thought it was just going to be another spamy, blam worthy game. I was pleasantly surprised. I like how its the objects spawned are random, and i like how easy it is to control. The overall graphics aren't professional grade but it doesn't seem like you just put something together in and hour or less. But I must say that your fail areas aren't perfect, while playing I found that I will lose after not even touching an obstacle, fix that and your game will improve greatly. I would love to see more from you and watch how you improve.