kinda hard for people who understand very little about english, but it is a good game.
A fun word guessing game similar to hangman. Click on the letters to display it and avoid the red mistake bar and the timer. Developed By: Denimar Fernandez. Like this page on Facebook! pps/application.php?id=11 4608477768 and when you have experiencing bugs during the game, feel free to email me at
kinda hard for people who understand very little about english, but it is a good game.
I have always like hangman ^_^ Even though I suck at it XD. I just LOVE the evil laugh at the end!
Average, but...
It was oddly addictive, but quite average at the same time. It was just flash hangman without the man hanging, but quite good. The words weren't too hard but not ridiculously easy either. it was a good effort but i think on your next go, maybe have different difficulty settings, and have some clues or something. All in all though mate good go.
Good, but not super creative
Hi, I found the game entertaining, but it's not an overly original idea, and the graphics are a bit anonymous. Also, you should make sure the same word doesn't show up twice in sequence in the same game, as it happened to me.