What the fuck
You know,I would have found that funny if you had made the graphics better, and mabye put some time and effort into it. In fact random things do make me laugh, but not when they're just retarded to the point of no return. Just face it. You are not funny and you suck at art. When I was a bald fetus I could have made something better than that. Never send in anything to Newgrounds again because it just wastes peoples time. You are ruining a perfectly good site by sending in shit like this. But don't worry, I'm not telling you to lose all hope in creating flash- oh wait yes... Nevermind thats exactly what I'm saying. GET IT IN YOUR HEAD Mabye you should go do something else with your life- because obviously you cannot do anything on this site worth my time or anyone elses for that matter. I suggest you go work at Wendy's for no apperent reason.
Nice try