Sure, the jokes are a bit cliched...
but the game is still entertaining nonetheless. If you added more games, with a bit of variety, this would probably be a front pager :)
America's Finest was created to poke fun at politics and the people involved. Currently there are few levels, but I intend to expand on them and get a large amount of politicians involved in the ridiculousness. This game has no bias towards any political group and I plan to make fun off boths sides evenly soon enough.
Sure, the jokes are a bit cliched...
but the game is still entertaining nonetheless. If you added more games, with a bit of variety, this would probably be a front pager :)
funny idea, bad submission.
i'm sorry to tell that this just ain't funny it should at least have sounds.
and it's also irritating that you have to click the whole time.
another thing that you could add, is some variation instead off just having to click all the time(for example arrow keys, awsd, or something alike.