hi ya i love u
to be honest bbz it needs more levels nd 2 be able to collect badges, nd btw help me kill the bitch on pokemon
This is a first proper attempt at a flashgame. Extra work on this is going into this game, so suggestions for further developement would be nice. Just try not to be mean about it and say "Its rubbish" like most critics.
hi ya i love u
to be honest bbz it needs more levels nd 2 be able to collect badges, nd btw help me kill the bitch on pokemon
I liked it
A big improvement would be a way to submit your score and alot more levels, mabye some art that is hidden that unlocks more levels?
A good sugesstion, hidden art would be interesting... but I have no idea how to go about coding the other (But it may be worth finding out about). Thanks!
sooooo boring
O_o very helpful response... what was so boring about it?
Kinda boring...
Well, there isn't much here, It's kinda boring and pretty slow, but good effort, its fun and I enjoyed it.
Slow? Really? Most I know've found it too fast. But I am implimenting more levels for a gradual increase in speed and features.