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Box10 Roaches

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First attempt at a tower defense game, constructive feedback please :)

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very enjoyable, kept me interested. cute take on these types of defense games :) great job.


Not too bad my friend, and a original idea for a TD game. Sadly "not too bad" just won't cut it for TD games. For a TD game to actually interest people, it has to be fucking great! I stopped at wave 7, so I apologize in advance if something I say doesn't hold true later.

Anyway: The map (I'm guessing it's the only one) wasn't too bad, but nothing spectacular either...tbh, I don't like the whole system of having one map only. It just gets boring really quickly, especially with no interactivity on the map at all.

Basically what I'm saying is, if you really want to stick with just having one map for the whole game, then it has to at least have something interesting to it. Check Cursed Treasure for what I mean, the high grounds, the different tiles, and all that.

The Towers: The Tooth-pick tower is awesome! Very original idea, looks cool. Other than that...nothing fancy, the upgrade system is...necessary for any TD game, but could've been better executed here. For example the tower looking differently after you upgrade. I didn't get to see the Bug spray tower. :( Cool Tower Design from what I could see though!

SFX: I really liked the SFX, dying cockroaches sound awesome. the background music sucks if you ask me, but there's a mute button so that's okay. <3

Path explanation at the start: It really shouldnt be necessary to show off where roaches start and end, it just seems...unprofessionel with all the arrows I guess xD.

Enemies: I didn't get to see much, 2 types of cockroaches and the flying ones until Wave 8...I don't know if you have more variety later, but the more enemies the better.

In General: It's not a bad game at all, just not good enough to keep people interested in a TD game, as there are so many (better) alternatives right now.

It -really- needs a button to speed the game up, and why won't you let the player send in 2 waves right after each other if he wants to? It's really too slow paced like it is now.

Neeedz more features. Maybe a talent tree like cursed treasure? Poison/Sharp stuff/Heat stuff? A story? Make a little intro animation to give us some atmosphere! Like the roaches planning their attack, "roach boss" explaining the target, whatever. Make multiple maps and try to think of something to make the maps more fun. Maybe...uhh, give us towers that just "push" the roaches, so we can like create traps? IE: Placing a tower next to the sink so cockroaches get pushed into it.

Whatever you do, It needs MOOOOOORE to keep us interested!

2/5 for now. Peace

Credits & Info

3.75 / 5.00

May 13, 2010
7:29 AM EDT