A Mad Libs game with one pretty poorly written story and very little replay value. There wasn't any art or sound, so this was a simplistic flash really.
Enter nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. to create a fun-filled, custom story!
As of this release, only one story has been programmed ("Dildo Recall")... more may come, but this project became very dull for me. I know it would only take thirty minutes to finish, but I'm not sure it's even worth it! I started this project to have scripting experience with variables. Anyway -> VOTE 2!
A Mad Libs game with one pretty poorly written story and very little replay value. There wasn't any art or sound, so this was a simplistic flash really.
where's the nudity?
Worthy of a "2"
There are a few things to fix up if you ever want to make it more fun, but since you didn't put your all, the grade you were waiting for in my opinion has been easily attained, I almost put a 3 ;)
improve it
hahahahahaha it was good
i left it at my ex girlfriends front step and took off and she called me up and tryed bitching me out it was funny cuz i hung up on her ova and ova and i just think it was halarious try it