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Nuclear Bike 2

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Complete levels as fast as possible to achieve maximum score points.
To complete each level you have to reach the finish line.

Rock on with Turbo and many new features!

- Up/Down - move forward or backward
- Left/Right - lean biker's body
- SPACE - Turbo when available

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People keep making this style of game but they are always the excact same horrible physics and are always so unrealistic in the way they are played

1 thing

this could have been so good the graphics style and levels where good but the physics SUCKED i died 20 times on level 5 randomly spinning aroung for no reason

Needs some work to do

But fun game, maybe put some medals on it?

Good game

When i was on level 15 when i was near the end the was a black line in the
middle of the screen.

This game is a little hard to control at first but i got used to it near the end of the game seeing as i all ways all most fell over ever time i would have to do i flip. Any ways i like the fact that you get a new bike when you beat the game but i would have liked it if i could go back to the old bike i started out with without having to start over the game seeing as i just started getting used to the old one.
Also you cant look at your high scores for the level you where last in but you do get a Total score for all the levels you did.

The back ground looks nice and even some of it moves witch I like about the game. The Unlocked bike acts different and looks different than the one you start with. Any ways i will give the game a 4/5

Better done games like this

You definitely need to work on making the balance a little easier. The bike either over-accelerates and flips you or goes too slow.

Also, having to click to restart a level (when you "die" frequently) is inconvenient. Make it activate on a button press ("Press R to retry," for example).

Credits & Info

1.52 / 5.00

Apr 4, 2010
1:30 AM EDT