i composed this music XD cant they tell its played live on a piano? i think they are all douches :D and btw man, i am now ADDICTED to this game XD DAMN YOU!
Click on a Hui Hui block to collapse all connecting blocks of the same color.
Collapse Hui Hui blocks while a heart is floating over them to multiply points earned.
Collapse a Hui Hui block while a clock is over it and gain extra time.
Run out of time and the game is over!
i composed this music XD cant they tell its played live on a piano? i think they are all douches :D and btw man, i am now ADDICTED to this game XD DAMN YOU!
Same as all other combine blocks of the same color but with music some people like because it was on zelda? i hate these games because they are unoriginal, especially this one
simply awesome
the gameplay is awesome,it's on of the only puzzle games that make me wanna play it several times.
also the zelda music makes it even better.
6 stars because this song is from ZELDA =D (great memories)
but this squeezing sound everytime you click an a Hui Hui block is getting on my nerves :P i like it anyways :D
Very nice game, maybe not a masterpiece, but great for relaxing =3