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Gear Tower

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The power has been shut off,you must use the combined power of your cursors to restore it.

Use your cursor to free the gear in each stage.

This is accomplished by using multiple cursor actions and saving them by moving to the bottom right hand corner. You will use these repeated cursor movements to help solve the puzzles.

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Nice, but I just don't have the patience.

The one thing that pushed me away from this game was the fact that a mistake at any point meant that I had to redo everything. I could get the first four cursors perfect, but if I messed up on the fifth, I was doomed to spend the next thirty minutes getting the first four right again. That level of frustration and tedium is just not for me.


"The problem here is that you have a great thinking game that requires lighting fast reflexes" well this is exactly the reason why I loved the game, it's was quite chalenging and that's why it gave me a lil feeling of accomplishment once I had finaly grabbed that golden gear which I think is pretty important for a short flash game.

the only critisism I have is that the graphics were sometimes slow on my comp while the timer kept running same speed (on the timed lvl's dur...), this made me fail the last lvl 2 times or so which was a lil frustrating therefor I give it a 9/10 instead of a 10 ;p

Loved it

The most original puzzle game ive played on this site. And I dont think it was too hard, but it was definitely challanging. Loved it.


ill give it a seven for decent originality, i have never played a game where you have to create a record of your mouse movement to get to the finish of a level. like with rip saw you either have to be fast at the buttons and grabbing the pinion or click on the button and hold it for a few seconds, then do the same thing on a button later in the level.

i applaud you for the time it must have taken to create the game but over all i think the recording movement coulda been done a different way

Too hard

The problem here is that you have a great thinking game that requires lighting fast reflexes. This makes it nearly impossible to get through the levels. Plus if you screw up, you have to start all over again rather than maybe undo the last recording.

Credits & Info

3.33 / 5.00

Mar 22, 2010
3:54 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place March 23, 2010