wtf... that is dire!
GFX: test is text.. no biggy there, the 'characters' well, they were drawn.. but you aint no da-vinci i thought the characters were more likely to be in a funny sketch involving a pineapple and a ribbon wearing frog. not in a 'gangsta' whatever....
style: um. no?
noize: there were what? two short samples? i think we have a 'no' for this section then.
hurtz: watching this is an act of violence against my mind, but it didnt contain any...
do stuff: ooooh i clicked numbers 1 through 5.. yippidy dee! crap.
Ha ha: cant even be bothered to make a sarcastic response. crap.
Overall, learn to draw, music in the background mebbe?~ prettier background (black = yawn) and perhaps more than just a few button pushes?