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Word Fission

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This game was originally meant to participate in a contest on MochiMedia, for which I was eventually to late to participate. I still finished the game so here it is.

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The amount of words I never knew...


i got first place andi only played it for 3 mins but some of the words are abit hard

tis a bit crappy

its sometimes hard to place letters, like they don't go where they are supposed to. and i think the game needs a dictionary..i made a word that was an actual word and it didn't even register. the only word i got to work was die...kinda weird. i started to play it more and it seems that some words come out already finished, so i had to fumble with the letters again to switch them around and them put them back in the right order. i do like the upgrading aspect of it though, but when i upgrade the chip thing at the end it says its supposed to shorted words..it seems like there longer. and tell you the truth i don't really see the point of the other upgrades..it just doesn't make much sense.

What the hell is 'SC0P'?

I Googled 'scop' after it was accepted by the game; according to Wikipedia it's an Old English poet. Did you deliberately pick words that most people wouldn't know or did you just shove the entire contents of a dictionary in without vetting them? I realise that this particular example can be rearranged to, say, 'cops' but it was not the only example of something I didn't even consider a word being accepted, making me think there are others in there which are not anagrams of commoner words.

Clearer instructions are really needed too, I didn't figure out the 'drag-and-drop to swap' system until the third flight - tried playing it as a typing game first then randomly clicking and moving things.


got high score ^.^

lets hope i dont loose it

Credits & Info

3.44 / 5.00

Mar 18, 2010
10:16 AM EDT