Not fun
Sorry but this game isn't fun what you need is to add more content and maybe add some new things to it
i made a little game inspired by the anegoboss from maplestory.
Not fun
Sorry but this game isn't fun what you need is to add more content and maybe add some new things to it
its really different than what I have played before. Instead of staying in one room try having other rooms to go to, like one big haunted house with slapping hands that haunt it or something. Mix it up with different rooms instead of everything looking the same, and more characters perhaps?
Didn't enjoy it
this may just be an opinion but I didn't find it entertaining, frustrating, or really anything. Not a new idea, boring gameplay. I hope you can maybe make this better by adding a little more action into it other than running around trying not to get slapped.
ohh that was very hard
their is no sound and its verry hard to play i dont know what is intresting about this game,iam sorry if iam rude :)