Yall Are Complaining About It Being Impossible And Unfunny?
Man, finally, after 27 years of hard developing, coding, and drawing work, I can release to the public my latest and greatest masterpiece. This game is simply stunning.
From the lifelike way the characters move, to the complete script written by the late J.R.R. Tolkein, to the gripping plot, to the intuitive controls, this game will have you staring at your screen for days on end. This massive adventure, this...this...masterpiece , will surely embed itself in the lives of thousands, nay, millions, and will leave a lasting imprint.
After the 72-hour exploits have been completed at long last, you will find yourself contemplating life and its bitter truths and struggles. To win, you must come to terms with yourself and become a hypothetical man.
This, truly, is an escapade that defines our generation...an amazing, gripping tale of adventure and tragedy.... This...is Epic Stick RPG.
Winner of 2 billion quadrillion video game awards, including
2011 IGN GOTY Xbox 9000
MTV "Touching masterpiece" award
The Spock award
2000 leagues under the sea
The Darkmagewizard3 seal of approval
EDIT: Look, you guys, you are so stupid. The point was that you think you're playing a good game but it turns out to suck. THE JOKE'S ON YOU. Stop telling me that it's not funny. Geez.
EDIT2: I love how only 50% of the original reviews remain.
EDIT3: How did this get an icon?
Yall Are Complaining About It Being Impossible And Unfunny?
This game is an unfunny joke. There seems to be no way to defeat the first enemy.
It's a game from 2010: Understanding; still, it exist, which is an issue alone of it self.
I assume all your other pieces of work are mainly created in the single attempt of just the enjoyment of others time put upon. Either way: It's a game that needs a lot of work, a lot of work.
I hope to never come across this kind of stuff; effort-- I wish I could say; none was made actually.
it's 2 minutes of my life just wasted but very funny. next time though, please make a game where you can do something
nah im just gonna make another game where you press buttons
This is a stupid game. Its impossible. I did every single move. Attack, Defend, Special (dick)
Epic Stick RPG was envisioned from the start as a spiritual experience. It is programmed to read your State of Being, to assess your physical and mental health, through your various nervous tics and mouse movements, through your breathing patterns, through your screen. It's all very technical and I won't go in-depth, but suffice it to say that this information is fed through a series of algorithms to determine how competent the REAL YOU would be in this high-stakes battle of Epic Proportions. Because it will all be real one day. When you are drowning in a sea of blood you will remember this. It is preparation. Surrender is suicide