This is better than many of these similar maze games in many ways:
-The graphics were smooth and didn't look like it was thrown together on paint, except for the 'end zone', which was just a green blob. Fix that maybe? (Though not a big thing)
-The maze had movement, which is different, and an EXCELLENT addition. It provides enough interesting challenge, but not too much.
-A level select is another great addition, so a player won't get stuck on one level and never advance.
Things to fix:
-As usual, there might be many people commenting on how they can use the right-click trick to get around the maze. Maybe you can eliminate that?
-When you lose, maybe you can have a 'try again' option that takes you directly to that level you messed up on. It can be a bit of a hassle to have to go to the level select menu and click the level every time you die, especially on harder levels.
-More levels would be great to see.
Overall, this is a very impressive maze game, albeit a bit short and with a few quirks. However, since this is a work in progress, that's okay.
I look forward to seeing what you're going to improve and expand on in this game. Good work.