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Author Comments

thanks for the notes, comments and suggestions,
I am not out to bash any person, country or whatever, well maybe crazed fan/girling-boying/ that's ruined ...
everything pretty much XD ( srsly, ever seen how they act when you disagree? or when their beloved star disagrees with the fans on some issue? or any topic for that matter...yeah ) I based my movie with the event in Russia and I used a still from a
Norway TV station so plz why be offended... there is no reason to. I just used landmarks for it. YAY CONSPIRACIES!

No thats not Jesus, it's left to the viewer though, could be the prophet Daniel, it could be, me, it could be Tom Fulp for that matter, This movie is far from religious or antireligious ( I offended Theists and atheists and Russians and Sweedes... WTF I hit the big time!)
it takes place in the real of HP Lovecraft.... aka Howard P. Mel is in his 30's,
this is a visual representation of his mental beak down due to stress and struggles
with fame. I used Ska now because it always makes thing upbeat and fast paced.

thanks for the notes, bug reports and comments
I love ya all! well no
I just hate that damn game Lure of the temptres which bombed 5 times on dosbox in one run
and the friggin sprites couldnt do their dang jog properly when the Skrol
was to chase me so I can finish the game... or when doors lock and you are
caught inside but granted its an early game and they improved but DAMMIT fix the bugs!
I love my point and clicks!!! I at least TRIED! booooo on you temptress shame!
I am telling Angry Joe on you!

I shouldhave used the Madness accelerant preloader >_<


peace to all
thank you for the comments :D Improvements were made,

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A nice game from the beginning of the tenth. Heh, I liked it!

That.. was... AWESOME! LOL. While there isn't much in gameplay (more of a choose your own adventure), the animations were great and the humor was outstanding. Definitely worth the play!

Loved it!

Entertaining and amusing. Changes nothing.

Imp-beast responds:

futility makes for great inspiration :D

DOSBox rulez!!!

Not too many Newgrounds submissions involve DOSBox in any way! but I'm glad you used it for this flash (in some way).

Imp-beast responds:

thanks I love dosbox too I am hooked on teen agent and I hope to
get kings quest and gabriel knight series and crank my dosbox point and click addiction :D ... a huge inspiration indeed

This is awesome!

And we love being mentioned in the same breath as Lovecraftian fiction. Very cool.

Imp-beast responds:

its a necronocomical world after all :D
your music truly made it pick up pace!
I hope I can do more anims and what not with your music id ya dun mind me :D
sos I post em here. I did a nother one using your a bomb but i didnt dare post here.

Credits & Info

4.32 / 5.00

Feb 23, 2010
12:41 PM EST