Clear and easy
Man, this tutorial is superb! It's easy to read and understand, and the GUI is so simple, yet so appealing. Fantastic job! I look forward to seeing more work coming from you.
NOTE: Check out my other AS3 tutorials at my blog, kirill-poletaev.blogspot.
com. New tutorial every day!
Check out the first part as well!
If you have any questions, you can PM me.
Please rate and review! Thanks!
EDIT: Fixed the rotation code
Clear and easy
Man, this tutorial is superb! It's easy to read and understand, and the GUI is so simple, yet so appealing. Fantastic job! I look forward to seeing more work coming from you.
Another great tutorial ! I see you've added exemples, that's helpful !
On the rotation part, it says "Full code:", but the rotation is not added.
There were also a few spelling errors but nothing dramatic.
Otherwise I found this tutorial VERY helpfull.
I made the hero change rotation every 45 degrees so it looks better and made spikes, key and a door to change level :P
Thank you for making this, hope you make more !
P.S : Is it possible to declare multiple function with 1 Event Listener ?
something like this :
Stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FR AME, "Declare Multiple Function");
Oh, you're right. I'll add the rotation part into the code asap!
I'm not sure about the listeners, I might look into that when i'll work on the 3rd part ;)
Thanks for review!
It was a nice tutorial, but very specific on RPG. Very good anyway, keep it up, more please!
But I can't fit every single aspect of the language in one tutorial! ;)
Next one won't be RPG, though. Thanks!
nice tutorial
It's rare to have AS3 tutorial around here, so it's interesting to see how it works. Hope to see more emphasis on event listeners, since I'm still kind of foggy on how it works.