Two stars and a half for a good prank.
Well it's finally done, this is my entry for the Newgrounds power of 3 contest, sorry it took so long! I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible, without you this could never have happened. Full credits are in the game, I love you all!
Also, additional artwork in the intro is by Kamikaye, check him out here:
Anyways, for easy reference here are the controls:
WASD - move
Numbers 1-6 change weapon
Spacebar - Throw grenade
E - Open doors, hit switches, talk to NPCs
R - Reload current weapon
Ctrl - Special attack. You'll need to use this to take out the first boss.
Enjoy the game!
Two stars and a half for a good prank.
wow i never see that cummin!
wow, it never came.
You sly son of a bitch...10 out of 10.
Keepm up the good work
I was drooling in awe through the entire movie. Twas a shame MindChamber and David Firth and TheSwain weren't part of the action.
This is funny! :D
No, really.