It´s a good begining but there are many problems! the coins are kinda hard to get and maybe some music would be better ...
but over all 5/10 for the afford!
Hope you enjoy playing it. i am open for your reviews suggestions and ahem! tutorials co'z i'm just a newbie to flash. and i really trying to improve more. well of course to earn a living.
It´s a good begining but there are many problems! the coins are kinda hard to get and maybe some music would be better ...
but over all 5/10 for the afford!
great improvement compared to the first version
now it needs som sound and collusion is still a bit strange, sometimes objects kill you when you haven't really touched them, therefor you got to have those coins in the very center of your bubble in order to collect them....
keep it up
Played it for two seconds then realised I started in the top right corner
good for first attempt but...
It was simplistic and somewhat boring, mainly because of the lack of music or sounds, and the fact that the art was... primitive. a good start, but nothing special.