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Blush Catch Redux

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I re-did it. I'm aware you can reupload it without submitting it again, but I care too much about the 5 to do so. What I've added:


Tips or bug reports are welcome. PLEASE REVIEW THIS! I want it to be really good!

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alright game, a good time waster if you've got five minutes to kill.. A little too short, but to be honest if it were any longer it would get repetitive and boring so congrats on knowing when to end it.

Final level, hitting the reset level faces sends you back to the previous level rather than just resetting the boss fight.. a nice touch, as if it did simply reset the boss fight, the game would be even shorter.

all in all a semi-decent game with a fairly simple premise. Maybe the next game you make should be a little more complex, it might get a higher rating.

This again?

You haven't really changed anything and I guess you thought you'd get a higher score if you just re-submitted it.
Why don't you just make a new game and let this one go? Let it go man.

Not a game

I agree that the game is way to easy. The blush is predictable so I can tell where its coming from. Very easy

Great graphic, but the game's too short/easy

Your game has very, very good graphic (pictures, background, etc).

However, the game is way too short and way too easy.

Keep it up (make longer, more creative game). I mean seriously, I think your graphic is excellent.


I think it would be better if you made the different faces color coded so that it is easier to tell what will end your game and what will end your round.

Credits & Info

1.91 / 5.00

Feb 2, 2010
9:45 PM EST