It needs some work, but it isn't bad.
the gun took hours, lol very hard to draw on a touch pad!, controls(incase u cant read) space to realod,click to shoot,z to zoom and x to un zoom WARNING IT IS REQUIRED U HAVE FLASH PLAYER 8 OR HIGHER!!
It needs some work, but it isn't bad.
Now, i'm pissed off at all these assholes commenting on the description rather than the game and even though they know they can't do better.
Freaking awsome, the only thing is that when you put the gun over the targets, you can see the targets on the gun.
Apart from that, This is the best game I have played in Months.
good news i have made a camera system that follows the gun/ crosshair!
Can't rate something that's not finished
and that gun shouldn't have taken hours to draw...
PLease dont post this here if your not done.
Title explains it all.
Not bad
But one thing you don't understand is that in order to make a game a first person shooter, you should be able walk around and shoot in a 3D view. But this game is just a point-n-shoot game, and a really boring one. There IS a difference between FPS and point-n-shoot, in an FPS you can walk around, shoot things and hide behind walls, in a point-n-shoot you only aim at objects in one screen and just shoot. That's the difference between the FPS and point-n-shoot, but the only thing they both have in common is that they're both shooters. No offense.
i know this is just a gun test lol dont wory when im done with the real game it will be "3-D" and you will be able to walk around like doom tripple pack