First I want to say I was going to give you a better score than I did. By your description I assumed that you had scrapped an old project that was going worse and started over from scratch. That shows determination. However I went back and played sticky game demo 2.2, and you know what? It is better than this. The character movement and design in sticky is better. The environmental design is better. The sound is better (because it exists). In fact the only thing that this game has over sticky is that it has an end. (which by the way your score accumulates every time you restart the game, so it doesn't really work).
Some thoughts, you are making a simple platformer. If you are going to scrap it because your code got messy or whatever and start from scratch. Look at the areas you need improvement on (like hit detection for example) and make a simple flash just to work on that (maybe read through some tutorials), and then when you feel you have got a really good grasp over areas that you feel like your work is lacking in, build a new game, either from scratch or by cleaning up and improving your old ones.
This game is week in the following areas:
Sound/music - Non-existant
Graphics - Poor, simple, worse than your previous work.
Gameplay - Functional with poor hit detection, and score glitch.
So in summary I am giving you 0/5 and 0/10 because it is a step back from your prior work.