I laughed so hard at the end when the heavy came... I randomly yelled "baby-face Heavy!" I honestly don't know why...
I really can't explain this one away, lol.
If the animation looks crappy it's because I felt the desperate need to animate something, anything, in a single sitting. And so I made this in a few hours after stringing some Team Fortress 2 samples together.
Everything in this animation sound-wise has been taken from the game, except for Spanish Flea, obviously.
Goddamn. Daily second with this? Seriously? \:T
I laughed so hard at the end when the heavy came... I randomly yelled "baby-face Heavy!" I honestly don't know why...
and make another one.
I honestly feel like the crappy animation contributes to the video, excellent job xD
I don't even know what I just watched. Serious.
But. Not too bed quality for crack.