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KI1 Kaptivo's Rage

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In this special episode Kaptivo, the short-tempered protagonist of our stories, will have to fight once again against those who claim to be "good and saint", while they're the real scum!

ATTENTION! There isn't autosave.

Game Guide:
http://www.ageofgames.net /mapsandguides/guides/ki-

Press ESC to skip intro and dialogues.

To pause the game press ESC or P. While on the pause screen you can save your progress.

Once you have started the game, the main way to interact is with the mouse. You can move, use objects, and do actions simply by clicking and using the drag&drop.

You will be able to use potions and scrolls equipped in your fast access slots by clicking their icons on the interface, or pressing the keys from 1 to 5.

Inventory, Journal/Log and Characteristics screens can be accessed by clicking their icons on the interface. You can also reach them using the keys I, L, C.

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I have got to agree with you folks its hard working out where you are so I made my own maps (took ages) but I still get lost. when you go from one area (Blue Portals) to another thats clear but heavens above how many times do I have to go around eacharea and never find a thing. Naming areas using the red portals would really help.

Just as vexing as the first one

I would have enjoyed the game more if it were easier to fing the quest items .....
seriously, would it kill them to put up a screen map and give hints about the location of key items?


I'm a fan - but why wont you listen!!??!!?? There have been multiple request to put an on screen map in the game or at least a compas for the KI and KI2 . People have been begging - But still no such thing.
Also a lot of glitches.
-Trouble activating items in the menu (buying/selling/selecting)
-Hangs up sometimes when you enter the inventory menu. Gets stuck like that thou the game keeps going on and you are being attacked till the character dies.
- Sometimes if hangs up - won't save - it shows that game is saved, but when
you try to load it, no such entery with last saved status can be found.

But still overall a very cool game.

It's a really good game, but too many glitches

It's a quite complex game in a big world, all of which is nice. But it needs more beta testing to get rid of all the glitches. My mouse dissapearing for instance, and the shops and items not always working properly. Minor problems but they do make the game sort of unplayable. I can't really give you a 9 although i think your game earns it because of those. Also, it would really help if your character moved just a little bit faster...
It would be nice to see an updated version :)

buggy and repetitive

There's a bug when grabbing weapons and items from the inventory. 90% of the time it says "you can't use" or just do nothing clicking on them, and 10% it works ok.
I think starting the levels all over again is a very bad idea for a continuation.

Credits & Info

3.95 / 5.00

Dec 28, 2009
7:54 AM EST