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super farmer life adventu

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use "arrow key" to move and "w" to shoot.

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WOW ive never seen adware in the form of a flash game before...gj


It was to easy, kind of another Mario type. If you dont like the music then
turn it off duh, the loading isnt to bad the graphics are weak and I dont think
anyone would replay this game. A story would help this game out alot, and if
you do create another one just read through these reviews and maybe it will
help. Keep up the work its the only way to get better


I got bored fast

1.The music makes me want to shoot myself.

2.The ground you walk on looks like shit

3.Wtf is up with jump sound effect.

4.This is boring try to find something fun and cool to add like a story perphaps?

5.one thing i did like was the backround.

not a HORRIBLE game...

the game took to long to process after every level, look like 80s video game technology, and had annoying repeating music. but it was a slightly amusing game, so u get a 5.


Was okay I guess Just didn't like the music,

Credits & Info

3.02 / 5.00

Dec 27, 2009
11:34 PM EST