Very good
Kept me busy for about 4 hours so I can't complain. It was a little disappointing that after you reach a certain level you didn't unlock anything else. I guess though in a way it makes things a little more challenging for score submitting and what not. One thing that kind of bugged me was I ran out of food in the beginning of the game and had to wait a day for wood to finish and then 2 more days to make food to resume production.
Maybe a cancel production button where you'd get the resources that they've already produced and then you could change production. Also a 3rd resource party would have been cool where you could level things up a little faster.
All in all it was a pretty good game, a bit repetitive but cool. I liked how I could rearrange my city to accomadate new buildings without selling them for a penalty. I just kept all my homes on the left side like 4x8 and stairs from top to bottom beside them and then factories and whatnot connected to them so nobody was deprived of access.