my summary is longer than the messege....
nice tut....xP liked it
This is a guide on how to make a maze game, I think that learning to make a maze game is a good way to learn some of the Flash MX coding, so if you wanna start making games, such as RPG's or Tower Defences, like I do. Then you should try a simple maze game first.
Once your first and possibly second games are out of the way, you can start making what you really want :).
I hope this helps. And extra help, just PM me.
Constructive criticism please.
my summary is longer than the messege....
nice tut....xP liked it
nothing too new or good.
You are missing alot of stuff and easy cheatable. This is the more basic tutorial probably.
If you are new..stop reading tuts and making ur own and experiment for a bit b4 putting out tuts. :) PM me and ill teach ya :0
Yeah it is just some basic coding haha, I will make it more advanced and I am learning allot of this stuff. I will PM you now though haha :).
Helpful for some...
This is an okay tutorial for people being new to flash, but you need some screen shots of what is going on. I like the way you can see the final result, and you need to confront people with the fact that it is easy to cheat. I like how this can give people a small kick in the start of programming Flash. (i know i could use a tutorial like this when i first started).
You also need to make the buttons so you don't need hit the text pixel perfect, but just a box around them.
Decent tutorial.
Hope my criticism can help you make other and better tutorials. Because i hope you will make some more tutorials =D
Yeah, Just released my third maze game, and some of these things have been added to it. I really should fix up my tutorial though :). I will surely make more tutorials and I hope to make some more advanced games, like tower defense and such :D. Thanks for your ideas and help :).
OK If you want to make a tutorial I seguest putting it in the game.
or put the game in the tutorial. :D LOL
PS:Great choice of music
Thanks for the comment on the music, and yeah, it has a little crappy game at the end :D.
Informative, but...
I think that this is an informative tutorial that can help people make a decent looking flash production. I think that you could do with making the previous and next buttons into a proper button, as opposed to just clicking on the words themselves - this can get quite frustrating.
I can see from the tutorial that you know how to make buttons, so it's going to need a little extra surrounding area, just to make the whole word into a button, which will then come along with making the tutorial more interesting and informative.
You could possibly include some pictures, showing what you mean, in places, so that the piece doesn't look like a dodgy powerpoint presentation with music attached.
[Review Request Club]
Okay thank you, I will work on the buttons, my next maze game is underway, and when I am better(Know how to disable left/right mouse), I will surely make a more advanced tutorial :). Thanks again.