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Ultimate Super Brawl

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Well, this is not a full game....well, sort of. I made this for a competition using 1 month spare time, so don't expect to be a polished game. Never the less, it's fun to play and has some nice details.

ULTIMATE SUPER BRAWL is a game inspired in Super Smash Bros. But instead of playing with classical console games characters, I choose to include characters related to my gamer past: old PC game chars, who used to be populat in the past ! Initially I decided to include only 2 chars, because I thought I wasn't going to make it on time...but as I was finishing we decided to include a 3rd fighter: ZOOL, JAZZ JACKRABBIT AND THE CAVEMAN FROM PREHISTORIK 2.

Default keys are:
Player 1:
I = Attack 1
O = Attack2
P = Block
Arrow Keys = Move

Plater 2:
Q = Attack 1
W = Attack 2
E = Block
rdfg = Move

Run: 2 times direction
Charge: attack while running

Both CPU difficulty and keys can be configures in the CONFIG section.
All 3 fighters have 2 combos and one power, and the combination is the same for all, but each combo and power is unique:
Power: AT1 + AT2
Combo1: AT1 AT1 AT1 AT1 AT2
Combo2: AT2 AT2 AT2 AT1 AT1 AT1

If you want to use powers you'll need to have the POWA bar loaded. You can load the power bar by hitting your opponent (if he is covering you'll fill it faster !). If you fall from the arena you will loose lots of POWA, so try to avoid it

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worst game ever

Ugh i can't figure out how to start. >.>

Please finish

This demo is great, but that's what it is, a demo. I hope you decide to finish it eventually, or go on to making an actual SSBB clone.

um,.. kinda gay

3 characters is kinda lame and is just not that fun you add more characters and mabye an adventure mode

What The Crap!

1: this is not good for a start should have been more fighters
2: i cant enjoy it beacuse i dont even know who those people are
3as pico says BLAM IT
4i guess it is kinda okay but plz upgrade
Thank you And Have a nice week
PS sorry im just kinda dissapointed on this
Helping tips
1 have at least up to 8 fighters
2 draw your own arenas i mean i bet you would be good
3 add some fighters that are more recent
and lastly
4: dont give up on this i want to see more

Credits & Info

1.74 / 5.00

Nov 21, 2009
4:26 PM EST