not bad but not good
game fine but at one point when the background turned red i got traped.
Well I finally started working out Actionscript 3.0. This game was made following a tutorial (huge thanks goes out to Michael James Williams for writing it), but has several modifications.
It's simple enough, but I think it's worth a few minutes of entertainment. You steer the "pocket" with your mouse, but if you prefer keyboard controls just hit space in the startmenu. Avoid the 8-balls and survive for as long as you can. (after 30 and 60 seconds respectively the level changes).
Gimme your thoughts and I hope you'll have fun.
Now to make a real game.
not bad but not good
game fine but at one point when the background turned red i got traped.
Do you think you could describe where it was and what you were hitting at the time?
Not Bad
I liked it. If you didn't want to make the 8-balls turn around and stuff, I would increase the speed to the *-balls rolling straight down the table.
Decent enough Idea
The issue here is that the hit detection is a little sensitive, also the game froze when I hit something. If you fixed the bugs it would be decent.
This has potential but you need to make it so that the randomizer does not overlap balls. Another thing is that you should have made it different number balls, just so that it is more interesting. I like the clock idea but the balls roll over the clock.
think of a better title
ok, not very fun and the hole could go on the wals and some balls were roling ontope of eachother
I actually left that in on purpose, seing as the holes on a pooltable generaly are located on the walls.
I'll see if I can do something about the balls though.