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The Edge

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Author Comments

Fascinating action game with realistic 3D graphics and great story with love, betrayal and desperation which lead to craving of payback.

After three month of laying in coma, detective Kurt Morgan looses big part of his memories. He meets a stranger, who tells him that his daughter was killed by head of criminal organization John McKey. Hour by hour Kurt reminds parts of his memories what leads him to terrible truth.

Feel the intrigue of the story being in role of main character. Assortment of weapons and realistic animation and graphics will not make you bored.

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fuck... this...


Nice concept, but badly executed. All the enemies come from the same spot on the screen, so there's no need to ever move your crosshairs. It's impossible to dodge bullets, so you just have to shoot as fast as you can, usually wasting some of your ammo in the process, and on top of that the health packs restore almost no health and there's no checkpoints! When you die you have to start over from the beginning. The character models in the cutscenes were kind of simian in appearance, and the main character's teeth looked like they were made of silver. And lastly, it's freakin buggy! Twice I reloaded my Uzis and lost almost all of my ammo. I had 16 in the clips and 16 spare bullets, when I reloaded, there was 8 bullets in the clips.

Finally, I won't hold this against you because you're from Ukraine, but if you're going to upload a game in English that you claim in your own comments is driven by its story, find someone on the forums here who is fluent in English that can proofread a copy of your script before you submit it. It really brings you out of the game reading poorly written English.

Ok .... + _ +

entertainment ....but no more....

Made it to the END!!!!!!!!!

It was not at all hard I only died once. It was a good game but a little short only 4 chapters. only advice is make it longer and make it more then just walk and shoot or at-least make the lvls more open like multiple floors. Mkae it easyer shoot them before they shoot you on THE EDGE of the screen they can't shoot you.

here's mi review and a tip for all

great graphics for be a game , the gameplay is adictive and the dificult make u play the game again and again and again , i pass all the game , but you need lot's of tries and u can't do a perfect , or u recieve 1 bullet or u recieve 2 bullets OR U JUST RECIEVE LIKE 2143 BULLETS! but u have to know where to aim and WHERE TO SHOT , is a good game , but GREAT graphics for be a NG game , is kinda hard , but still being really awesome , you do a very good job , and i give all a tip , U HAVE TO DUCK EVERY TIME U SEE AN ENEMY AND SHOT TO THE HEAD that was i do and i beat the freakin' game in a few minutes , so , i wait u do more games like thisw , i love it , but still being hard for some people then don't know how they have to duck and they don't know how to aim , FOR THAT THE GAME IS TOO HARD FOR THEY , thank so much for the game , and god job , but i give u a 9/10 cause the health things almost don't cure , well , good bye dude

Credits & Info

2.26 / 5.00

Nov 15, 2009
5:17 PM EST