Not even good for a metal slug clone.
To start: Your art is lackluster. If there's more than a single enemy model in this game, I have yet to see it because the endless hordes of identical soldiers are just too boring for me to continue playing. Your level design has very little to break up the boring flat terrain; what there is does very ltitle to break it up when it's even there. Most of these weapons are also terrible. The hangfire on the rifle's burst fire is ridiculously long, and given that it can snap off single shots at the speed of a click I'm not actually sure whether this is because of a bug or just a deliberate choice of terrible design. Either way, neither is acceptable. The hit detection on grenades also gave me trouble a few times, and would some actual splash damage on those kill you? The missiles fired from the airstrike plane don't scale at all from background to foreground as they fire, which just looks amateurish and sloppy. I also question your decision to give random enemies access to this weapon, given that the player's character is totally unequipped to evade it. Finally, it's really just not possible for a shooter to get any appreciable action going on with a screen resolution as tiny as what you've chosen here.