Pretty good can we see more please
Ok folks, there seems to be a flock of immature little boys from the UK that seem to be getting their jollies writing shitty reviews on this. Let me explain something, I don't care. Simple as that. You all can rant and bitch and say how much you hate me and how much this sucks and how I should rot in hell, it still doesn't change a few things:
1)I'm still 26 and I couldn't give a rats ass what a pathetic 15 year old shut in has to say.
2)People are laughing thier asses off at you when you try so hard to use words you don't understand.
3)No matter how hard you try to flame this movie, it doesn't change the fact that it's up and 90% of your crap(if you even make flash)gets blammed.
Jesus tap dancing retards are STILL writing reviews on my crap??? It's been 5 years, GET OVER IT!!!
Pretty good can we see more please
smelliest lump of dog shit ive eva seen
misspelt isn't a word?
mis·spell Pronunciation Key (ms-spl)
tr.v. mis·spelled, or mis·spelt (-splt) mis·spell·ing, mis·spells
To spell incorrectly.
Prove the dictionary wrong I dare you!!!
No, the dictionary is absolutly correct. Unfortunatly you have quoted the definition of misspell, not misspelt. Largely due to the fact the misspelt is a pronunciation of the past tense of the word misspelled. Congradulations, you have proven your own ignorance by showing everyone that you don't even know how to properly use a dictionary.