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** Note **

"Dodraugen" is a strange norwegian word, that means something like "The toilet monster". The word "do" means "toilet". "Draugen" is just weird... Oh well.

About 4-5 hours ago, I thought I'd make a halloween submission, so I did. There wasn't much time, but I think it turned out decent for a short Halloween submission. Oh, and thanks to Anders Hobber for the idea. Made in about 2-3 hours.

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"Not bad. in fact... i like it!

7/10 & 3/5

I do agree a little bit with Darklight17, I also didn't really get it. But the scream at the ending was kinda funny, I wanna even hear it louder! But don't do it, it'll explode, so please, don't. Also, if it's next Halloween, make another one even better than this because this one I didn't really get but it's OK, this animation was still fine, but needs for awesomeness.

The graphics were fine also, but what I wanted the graphics to be a little better, but it looks cool, nobody's perfect. Anyway the character of that man looks good, but he kind of scared me when he started screaming, I mean it gave me a heart attack!

Also I agree with all these reviewers, it did look like you were rushing, but nice work you've done here, but nice idea with the title, DODRAUGEN, the toilet monster, it sounded good. And the ending of this animation was funny because something just cam out of no where and he is just doing nothing, would've he been dead already?

The guy's head was funny, but the thing that just popped out of no where was awesome, if I were you, I would make it a big giant lion instead lol. It's not a very good idea but, it would've been funny. But this animation was nice, even though, no body's perfect making best animations, hope you make another nice animation! Oh yeah, if your planning on an animation, could you please tell me what the animation(s) are about? I would really love to hear the animation.

I hope you have a good Christmas! And I hope you respond to my review! You know, I just love to get author's responses with a nice response review saying, "Thanks for your compliments." And, "Thank you for reviewing!" So hope you have a good Christmas!

You did a very nice job on this animation, but now here are my scores:

Graphics: 7/10
Comedy: 0/10 (Wasn't really a funny animation.)
Music: 8/10
Animation: 7/10
Creative: 7/10
Total Score: 7/10
Word: Good Halloween animation. But though you must not rush and make a better Halloween animation like this. Also, if you are planning on making a Christmas animation, make it more creative than this or next Halloween make another one better than this.

7/10 & 3/5

Now I hope you enjoy and love my review!

Characters remaining (Don't ask, I just lobe to do this :D): 1,799

Assios responds:

Whoa, thanks for an awesome review :O For the monster thing, I kinda wanted it to be a "new" monster, and thus not a lion or any other kind of existing "monster".. I know I rushed it as I spent like 3 hours on this, and next year I'll use more time on a Halloween submission, if I make one..

Again, thanks for a long and awesome review! :D

Frankly, i don't really get it...

It does look rushed and u didn't put a lot of work into this. Now, i'm not an expert in how long it takes to make a decent movie but if its the same as audio, u''ll need a lot more of time to make something whihc would pass examination by reviewers.

Graphics, although smooth and well placed, were slightly simple and there wasn't much variety in them. Animation was smooth throughout and ic ant complain but yet again, ti was too simple. IMO, you should've amd the man be reading some newspaper or something instead of just staring off into the middle distance with a dazed expression.

Audio was virtually non existent but when it came, the scream wasn't particularly amazing. I didn't even get a fright as i anticiapted what was gonna happen. If ur gonna makle something like this, Make it more dramatic and interesting so while the user is captivated you can go ahead and scare the soul outta him.

Overall, its not bad, the ending and ideas were rushed and it deserves nothing more then a six really.

=Review Request Club=

Assios responds:

Hmm, it takes a much longer time to make a decent flash vid than audio, actually.. And yeah, I agree with you ;)

Looks rushed

And it really is rushed if you did this in only 2 to 3 hours. The graphics look decent, even though the bathroom really looks like a living room, heh.

Also I wondered why he was sitting with his pants on on the toilet and the toilet seat wasn't even raised.

The sewers didn't look that realistic and the pipe was just odd. Looked like you only cut out those parts from the picture. Anyway, it looks weird and too rushed.

When that creature came out of the toilet the guy was still sitting there. Would have been better if he fell off the toilet or something, now the creature just goes right through him.

Anyway, if you can come up with such a movie in such a short amount of time then I really want to see some movies from you where you put more effort and more time in it. ^^

{ Review Request Club }

Assios responds:

Yep, I rushed it cause I am also working on a much bigger project.. But if i'm going to make a halloween submission for next year, I'll make sure to start earlier:p
Thanks for the review:)

Low quality screamer

I think that you need to study more screamers, before you make one that's going to actually cause a good scare. Adam Phillips did one, where it was a radio report of a spate of kidnappings, where people were literally taken from homes, businesses and the like. Then the creature burst through the window and took the guy listening to the radio. That's a brilliant piece of research for you. You can find that toon on Weebl's Stuff.

The drawing style could use a little work - I'm not too sure about the guy's face shape, as it looks like you've drawn a face on a balloon, for some reason. If he's sitting on the can, have him do something - trousers around his ankles, grunts of effort, that kind of thing. Perhaps a copy of a newspaper, which the creature could burst through, for the punchline.

Did the evil thing have to look like a radioactive sperm? Just an observation there. I'm not sure that drain pipes have that many twists and turns in them - people like to keep them as straight as possible, as it saves on maintenance.

[Review Request Club]

Assios responds:

Yeah, I didn't really know how to do this screamer-thing when I started on it, had to make it in a few hours to upload it on Halloween. And for the evil thing, yeah, you're right :p I had to hurry a lot, so it turned out pretty bad.

Thanks for the review! ^^

Sorry dude, but it need some work.

1.) Why is there a boombox in his bathroom? lol

2.) The "bathroom" looks like a living room or something.

3.) The background for the pipes look like they're from "The elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion" and that should be noted. If it isn't, then tell us where thay are from.

4.) The build up to the monster jumping out was timed kinda funny (not funny, "haha" but the other kind) because it ended up not being very scary, since you can expect it to be jumping out. A surprise needs to be surprising, we shouldn't know whats coming till it happens.

5.) Maybe start a bit earlier on the projects so you can get more detailed with the work.

Sorry about the criticalness, but it's better to be critical, than to just say, "OMG THIS SUCKED BALLS" or, "DUDE was awesome" or even, "It startled me, and still does." as one of the "reviewers" pointed out lol

Anyways keep on trying, you'll do just fine. =3

-Review Request Club

Assios responds:

The reason why there is a boombox in the bathroom and that the bathroom looks like a living room, is that I am also working on a big project, and since I had to make this in a few hours to upload it on Halloween , I used one of the backrounds and the boombox from that other movie ;P Yup, the background for the pipes is from Oblivion. And yeah, this did not turn out as well as it could if I used more time on it. Should've started earlier, but then again, I am working on a larger project, so it had to be this short if I was gonna upload something for Halloween ;P

Thanks for your review! ^^

Credits & Info

4.18 / 5.00

Oct 31, 2009
9:31 PM EDT