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Death Wizard 1

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Author Comments

I've been working on this game for a while, I hope you all like it. If you find a bug or anything or can't figure out a certain level feel free to leave a comment or message me.

There's a lot of tricks you can do with the elemental spells in the game, like freezing an enemy and then pushing them with the wind spell into other enemies to damage them.
Also if you duck when placing a spell bomb it drops it like a mine.

I also added a somewhat secret two player mode that you can enable at anytime by pressing F2 in the game. The second player's controls are AWSD, spacebar to attack and Q for secondary attack. When two player mode is enabled the first player has to use the arrow keys for movement, mouse button to attack and ctrl for secondary attack.

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Great game for halloween!

Loved the element system and puzzle aspects but the last stage is hard! The 3 different game modes kept me interested for quite some time. Sandbox mode is hillarious!


I wish there were more options available here and it gets a little repetitive but otherwise its pretty good.

Freaking demo

Most of the options are disabled, asking for you to buy their stuff.

The game itself looks like a castlevania from the 70s, but a lot worse. I would pay for castlevanis 40 years ago, but not today and most certainly not for a crappier spin-off.

Pretty good

It was entertaining but kinda slow paced. I like how ice freezes the water etc, maybe you could have introduced the elements concept earlier on.

Good Effort

It's a lot of fun to play, not so much to look at. Dude.
Graphically terrible gameplay is solid

Credits & Info

3.17 / 5.00

Oct 26, 2009
6:50 PM EDT