8 points for the song! :) Tell me what it was, it's jolly as hell
Search all Cartoon Words :)
Tell me how you like the game please and vote for me.
8 points for the song! :) Tell me what it was, it's jolly as hell
Nice Start
I would like a choice of music like a lot of people are saying and maybe some more lvles based progression instead of just play again with different words coming up i like word searches and either i am real good at them or this was a bit on the easy side but great job all around.
good game
you should be able to spell words backwards as welll though. also maybe you maybe have a selection of music as well.
Not a bad idea for a game bro, but add some new music x.X something a little more tolerable
it's ok
it needs very badly a new way of connecting the letters though, like just selecting the first and last or something, It's annoying how it skips letters unless you move reeeeal slow. would have been 7 otherwise.