this is gay
wow cool so you stole 3 videos from youtube and put them into a flash, added a preloader and a very little bit of coding great job.
Happy helloween.
Full name: ViD: nightmare from the past
P.s. FiXed
Added secret movie
Added another secret
Wait before it loads
this is gay
wow cool so you stole 3 videos from youtube and put them into a flash, added a preloader and a very little bit of coding great job.
Happy belated Halloween!
This was pretty fun to watch mostly because it does not even look like it was made in Flash. It seriously starts to look more like something you would see at a more professional website. Still, it is weakened by how short it is. I just see so much potential because the floating Buddha head or whatever it is is pretty creepy. It was nice of you to put in the secret movie and the other secret. It is also nice to see the head take the place of the Newgrounds logo in the intro and show the background with it.
Not really bad
We all feared BUD in Russia when we were young ))
haha,yes yes!
Did you found a secret?